Best practice: Inviting candidates to your interview

Willo is the perfect tool for hiring talented people anywhere in the world. Increase the quantity & quality of your talent pool by discovering and connecting with top talent remotely today.

Tips for creating your own template

When you invite candidates to interview it's a good idea to give them some context either over the phone beforehand or in the email. This will improve the chance of them completing a video for you.

Try to explain the main benefits to them of completing a Willo interview:

  • Time saved (on average it takes candidates 20 minutes to complete an interview)
  • They can complete it anywhere (Flexible around their schedule)
  • The ability to be seen and heard by the employer.
  • Assessed on the same questions as every other candidate (Level the playing field) 

Customising your templates

You can customize the email and SMS sent to candidates from Willo in the libraries section of Willo. Learn more about custom templates.

Email template for in-house recruiters and hiring managers:

Hi <candidate name>, 

Thanks for your interest in the <job_title> position.  I'd like to get to know you better with a short video interview.
Your interview will consist of a set of questions for you to answer using your computer webcam and microphone. If you do not have access to a computer with a webcam you can complete your interview using your smartphone or tablet. 

Completing this recorded video interview will allow us to get to know you better and faster than a phone or video call, and you can complete it anywhere, any time.

Click or copy and paste the invite link to get started:

Before you start 
Please allow around 15 minutes to complete the interview.

We suggest you use the latest version of Google Chrome browser.

Remember to relax and put your best self forward, you can practice as many times as you like. 

Technical question or issue?
Contact the technical support team using the chat beacon in the bottom right of any page.

Good luck!


<your name>

Email template for agency recruiters:

Hi <candidate name>,

Thanks for your time earlier today. It was great to understand a little more about you and why you'd be great for our client's role. 

As I mentioned on the phone, we're working with a video software tool that really helps our candidates get invited to interviews. In fact, we've found that you are 30% more likely to get an interview when your CV is submitted alongside a video.

So, please follow the link below to answer the questions that we've developed in partnership with our client. There are <X> questions to answer in your own time. Once we've received your videos, we'll be sharing them with the client to support your application, so please ensure that you make time to record your answers as soon as possible.

Click or copy and paste the invite link to get started:

The questions you'll be asked are: 

<Question 1>

<Question 2>

<Question 3>

Before you start 
Please allow around 15 minutes to complete the interview.

We suggest you use the latest version of Google Chrome browser.

Remember to relax and put your best self forward, you can practice as many times as you like. 

Technical question or issue?
Contact the technical support team using the chat beacon in the bottom right of any page.


<your name> 

Linkedin template:

Hi <candidate name>, 

Thanks for your interest in the <job_title> position. I'd like to get to know you better with a short video interview.

Completing this recorded video interview will allow us to get to know you better and faster than a phone or video call, and you can complete it anywhere, any time.

Please click or copy and paste the invite link to get started:
If you have any questions please just ask,
Good luck!


<your name>

Did you know? A candidate successfully completes a Willo interview somewhere in the world every 3 seconds. And 9.5/10 candidates would recommend the interview process to a friend.

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