Workable integration

We are delighted to be partnered with Workable to bring our simple and affordable asynchronous video interviewing to their users. Quickly connect your Workable account with Willo and begin video interviewing your candidates with a few clicks.

With video interviewing from Willo you can affordably and simply interview candidates, at scale, without ever leaving Workable. Work smarter, not harder with this powerful integration.

It couldn't be easier to get started just follow these steps:

You must have 'All Access' permissions in Workable to complete these steps.

Copy Willo API Key

Simply log in to your Willo account, head to the Integrations tab and copy your API key:

Connect Workable and Willo

Then paste the key into your Workable Willo integration:

Settings > Integrations

Willo > Update Settings

Start video interviewing candidates

You can then begin inviting candidates to interview using Willo - include an interview as part of a stage, or invite candidates individually at any stage. Click the video button shown below and then choose the interview you wish to invite candidates to.

Candidates are invited to interview by Willo via email and SMS. (Remember to use the correct country area code for the candidate's phone number to benefit from SMS invites. Eg. +35 0000 0000)

Developer Support

Save time and hassle - schedule 1-to-1 time with an expert in our integrations team. Book developer support.

Happy Interviewing!

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